Supply chain

As a globally operating group, Pfleiderer Group knows human rights and environmental risks can arise from business activities in its own business area and along the entire value chain. We commit to comply with internationally recognized human rights and environmental standards and take due diligence measures for our own business area and our supply chain in connection with the Supply Chain Due Diligence Act ("LkSG").
Pfleiderer ESG Compliance - Brief information
For reports and complaints in connection with the LkSG, our web-based whistleblower system is available. You can find it in our compliance area.
Diversity Policy

Our employees are the most valuable asset we have. The collective sum of the individual differences that our employees bring to their work represents an essential part of both our culture and the reputation and achievements of the Pfleiderer Group.
We are therefore committed to promoting, nurturing and preserving this culture of diversity and inclusion. In order to maintain this, a Diversity Policy has been drawn up. This is intended to ensure the protection of individualities, guarantee respect, create tolerance and equal treatment in the workplace for all employees and provide a working environment that helps to utilise the above-mentioned differences for the benefit of the Pfleiderer Group.
You are welcome to take a look at the exact contents of our Diversity Policy here.
Today, tomorrow we develop ourselves to fulfill your expectations.
We achieve our goals with
- high quality products
- excellent services
- responsible employees
You are welcome to join us.


Safety first!
The key to everybody‘s success.
- Employees
- Partners
- Environment
Labour safety ranks high in our corporate culture. Our aim is to prevent accidents at work. To this effect, all employees are included in our preventive safety concept that helps avoid criticial situations. If an accident at work does occur, it is carefully analyzed, and improvements are made to eliminate the cause.
Energy Management

We have always attached great importance to energy management in our manufacturing processes, which is not least demonstrated by the combined heat and power stations in operation at our Baruth, Gütersloh and Neumarkt sites.
As a part of this management system, energy planning is carried out in coordination with the distribution, production and purchasing areas involved. Regularly updated at frequent intervals, energy planning takes account of forward-looking assessments and actual consumption.
Based on energy data collected in 2011 at all our sites, we regularly assess and analyze the usage and consumption of energy, thereby creating energy registers that are regularly updated.
These energy registers form the basis for identifying improvement potentials in the energy field.
In the assessment, we consider changes of important elements of the energy management system, such as energy consumption, key figures, measures and targets in the field of energy. As we assess trends that have actually materialized, we also review the effectiveness of planned and executed measures.
We can only build a future worth living by thinking and acting sustainably. At Pfleiderer, we do everything in our power to achieve this goal. That is why sustainability is an essential condition in all our corporate activities.
At economic, ecological and social levels: Our products are not only manufactured with the utmost care; our processes are also controlled by a certified environmental management system. We have a special responsibility, not only as a manufacturer, but as an employer as well: For this reason, our company cultivates a culture of mutual trust geared towards responsible, self-reliant action. This means sustainability for your benefit - environmentally sound products, committed employees and maximum satisfaction.
Here you can find out more about our eco-friendly manufacture of wood-based materials.


The payment of corporate taxes is an important contribution to prosperity, progress and social cohesion in the countries and communities in which we operate. Pfleiderer is therefore also clearly committed to transparent and responsible action in the area of corporate taxation.