The Pfleiderer Group has achieved another major success with its strategic focus on sustainable entrepreneurship. In the annual EcoVadis rating, the engineered wood manufacturer not only defended its gold medal, but also increased its overall score by 5 points to 76 out of 100.
With gold medal once again ranked in the top five percent
The sustainability rating of EcoVadis, one of the world's largest providers for the evaluation of ESG activities, takes into account criteria from the subject areas of environment, labour and human rights, ethics as well as sustainable procurement and awards medals for this every year. Thanks to the consistent implementation of its ESG strategy, Pfleiderer is once again among the top 5 percent of all companies assessed. Further improvements in the areas of labour and human rights as well as ethics contributed to this in particular.

"The renewed gold medal underlines that we are not resting on our laurels," emphasizes Dr. Frank Herrmann, CEO of the Pfleiderer Group. "Our ESG activities are firmly anchored with our strategy and are not only honoured by external rating agencies, but above all by our customers. In this way, sustainable entrepreneurship can also be linked to economic success. A win-win for all stakeholders!"
You would like to know more?

For more information on sustainability and ESG at Pfleiderer, please visit our sustainability section of the website.